Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Day 1 Arrive Phnom Penh

Arrived in Phnom Penh, tired after long flight. Temperature 32 degrees centigrade (bloody hot)! Fell into exhausted sleep, as soon as head touched the pillow! Woke to explore the room; very nice with rosewood floor boards and hugemongous bath which was quickly sampled. Heavens opened and torrential rain the like of which is never seen in the UK!
Hired a TukTuk (local taxi type thing in the shape of a motorbike pulling a trailer with seats). What an amazing experience that was. No traffic rules here, just keep going and hope no one hits you - as you arrive at a junction it is first come, first go! Had a couple of beers in a street side pub and are now off to sample the local cuisine - hopefully not deep fried spiders or roasted sparrow!


  1. wow this is cool, it's like spending the holiday with you...so to speak...cause I wouldn't really want to be on your honeymoon with you...LOL. Glad to see your having a good time, hope the wedding was wonderful, can't wait to see the pictures. love and hugs to you both Julie and Richard xxx

  2. This is great - what a good idea - fantastic to read and see what is happening. Love Pat x
